12:38 AM MeliaNgs 0 Comments

Anyways, 2009 has past!
Well, i recalled many things happening throughout the year..
The good and the bad.. The sweet and the sour..

Here's some flash back on the good times.
In 2009,
> Worked in my church kindergarten as a part time teacher while waiting for college to start.
> Started my first sem in May.
> Met many wonderful people in my first sem. The mafia family was formed.. Lol~
> Concert with the mafia's.
> CF was awesome. So was the camp.
> Second sem started in September.
> Met even more wonderful people and now i have a whole bunch of favourite peeps in college!
> Went out with Madieblurr and Raksha *my apekks!*
> Hari Raya open house + pool game at Madieblurr's place!
> Out with em' scientist to MV and watch 2012!
> Stressful subjects in uni! =D
> The new Lounge in our library was our main hang out place! Finals then Sem Break!
> Pasar malam with em' peeps! *loves*
> Phos camp at Broga with the awesome youths!! =D
> One day trip to Malacca with em' peeps too!
> Christmas eve dinner at my place then Sunway with em' again!
> Perth with the Lim's and Aunty LaiFong + Uncle Jason!

Well, Im a person who thinks i have short term memory lost!
And yes, of cuz there are more good times which i did not list down..
Well, as long as its clear in my mind who the good time was spent with its fine!
And i'll definitely miss the good times..
Thanks to all my awesome friends who made it fun for me!
Its worth remembering! =D <3

And yes, im looking forward to more in 2010!
A better one time though! hahahaha!
Im sooo lazy to upload pic now! =='