Here's my wish list this Christmas.
1. I want that dude for Christmas, is it okay? *points points* Yes that one.
2. I want a pair of Lita collection by Jeff Camp.
3. I want a new dress, although I just bought one that look a lil like the one Esther wore in the movie Orphan. Ohh loving my Topshop baby!
4. I want to have more hang outs with my girlfriends. I'm starting to miss them already.
5. I want maxis to have a good plan for Blackberry services. Reloading is killing me slowly.
6. I want to drive around town in my mom's yellow car before she starts doing anything to it.
7. Get that idea of modifying the yellow car out of my mom's head.
8. Give me inspirations on how to decorate the gifts and to buy my dad's present. *ohhh sooo hard*
9. I want a new pair of Rayban.
10. I want to have fun this year end. :)
I still have alot but............. I shall save it for the next post. :)
Christmas is fun but busy.
So much to do, so little time...
Gonna do so much in HongKong after Christmas! :)
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