9:58 PM MeliaNgs 0 Comments

Hello there.. Ohmygosh these days im sooo lazy to blog.. I have no idea why..

Anyways, nothin much have really happen.. Hahaha.. Except for the fact that im almost close to broke.. Must start saving already! hahaha.. Here's what ive been doing and what im gonna do! hahaha


Master class
Kendrick's house to cook sausages for CF thanksgiving
(Thanks Joseph for the ride. Lol! If not we have to walk)
CF starts.
Lepak with Charity, Terry, Tyler, and Andrew with Justin's guitar.
(if you are wondering how we lepak with the guitar, well here's the thing. The guitar was our source of music and we all jus syok sendiri nyanyi! hahah )
Off to gym.
Charity was there with me for a lil while.
Then she went to play badminton while waitin for dodgeball to start.
Lepak and chat with Jun Yew and Danny W. for awhile.

Rain but i manage to go home! hahahaha.


Imbi market for breakfast
Back home watch Imagine That on my lappie..
(touching show)
Went out with daddy and mummy.
Amber went for a party.


whats next??
Going out later with parents again.. hahaha

Tomorrow its the time of the semester again.. Concert choir.. Sorry i din invite some of you cuz its a Monday and some of you are busy or either there is school on the next day.. Hahaha. The next sem..

Oh can you imagine my life will be so free for the rest of this sem.. Already im free in the beginning but now that choir is finishing for this sem and my minor have been finish, Im sooo free! hahahaha

Ok la crap too much!

Happy Belated Birthday, Madieblurr!!
Apeks Always!! hahaha

And Happy Deepavali friends!