10:57 AM MeliaNgs 0 Comments

Things are getting worst.
Friendships are getting broken.
I never expected this day would come.
Things were going fine for the past few months.
At least I think so.

Well, Im really sad to what have happen to the group.
Although it didn't really involve all of us.
I was pretty much excited looking forward to our sem break trip.
I guess sometimes even if things are settle, things will never be the same again.
I've just gotta get use to it.
I pray and hope that God will do a miracle among our midst.

And as for my problem, like it or not I've gotta face the truth.
The truth about someone who decides to ignore me.
When I say I don't care, I don't literally stop caring because its human nature to still care.
Especially when someone was once close to you.
Its not easy to just decide not to care once and for all, and I still wonder how you actually do it.
Well, I still kinda think that because a lil thing like this you decide to avoid and ignore me, its a lil too wasted.
But, heck its all up to you! What more can I say?!
I can't make you talk to me.
It still breaks my heart no matter what.

And I really hate how much some people keep asking me am I emo, or like they expect me to be emo.
I know being emo ain't good but I'm human too.
At least I don't go emo for fun, I have a reason and when that reason comes around to obvious, there is no way I can hide what I feel.
So if some of you don't want me to be emo stop asking.
So stop being annoying, Thank You!!

Whatever that breaks my heart, I shall try not to care.
I'm not running away from the situation.
I'm not afraid of facing my fears.
I just need to take time to get use to it.
Everytime I think of what happen between me and you, tears just fills my eyes.
And till now, I really wonder how you can actually ignore me like suddenly! =.=

Peace out, Im heading to bed!