6:11 PM MeliaNgs 0 Comments

Assignments are killing me big time because I'm blank in my mind!
Gawd, save this soul please!!

The silly subject "University Life" has got "wonderful" assignment.
"Music History Guideline" is due on Thursday!
Yes, you did not read wrongly, its this Thursday as in 17th June 2010.
And heck, I haven't really done it yet.
Because like I said, I'm blank in my mind!
And I seriously don't know what the heck she wants!! *pfft*

Intro to Pop History, one of my favourite subject has got assignment too!
"Life, Time and Music of Louis Armstrong" is due next Tuesday!
To tell you the truth, I rather start on this first.
Why, because its more intresting and at least Mr Arif gave more specific instructions.