The Week..

8:29 AM MeliaNgs 0 Comments

I wake up wit a happy feeling.
Finishing my job at the kindergarten everyday it makes me an angry person.
Goin home to teach the kids it makes an even more angrier person.
Oh well, its all gonna be over in a few weeks time.
I enjoyed pretty much with these stressin job.
Good experience.
All these requires patience..
Im very sure of that.
Fast and Furious 4 came out today.
I wanna watch.
Audition date getting nearer.
Its freakin me out.
I dun like audition.
Why on earth do they even have audition??
Its a wonderful week so far.
I cant believe we are not that close anymore.
School frens we gotta meet up.
Guys hope to terserempak with you soon. =)
Last weekday of the week tomorrow.