Here's my new blog link. Decided to abandon this for a while.www.alilbitofeverythingwithasmile.blogspot.comRead More

Those emo post should stop because I dont wanna miss sharing the wonders of HONGKONG! :)The two families together with Mickey and Minnie. More photos soon! GTG :)Read More

Back from awesome HongKong. No doubt I kinda love that place. 1. Because the things are cheap over there.2. You shop all day and feel satisfied.3. A weather that I've been yearning for all this while.4. They've got good theme parks unlike us :Read More

Hey I'll be heading HongKong at 6am in awhile. Just wanna wish all of you guys a "HAPPY NEW YEARS" in advance. With love, from me. You guys have a blast. Read More

It's funny how a person can be such a hypocrite.These are the people who I really dislike. Have they had any idea that they might hurt others for their actions?Guess not, looking at people like that, they are just pure blunt and dumb toRead More

Dear Santa, Here's my wish list this Christmas. 1. I want that dude for Christmas, is it okay? *points points* Yes that one. 2. I want a pair of Lita collection by Jeff Camp.3. I want a new dress, although I just bought oneRead More

Hi its 4am and I think I miss you! hahaBut i definitely miss my girlfriends already! Mayne and Che, I miss PR with you girls. :)Read More